Sep 24Liked by Mike Speriosu

Again, so glad I listened to the audio! The short lines felt to me like the quick flickers of flames themselves—some short and others longer.

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Thanks! This one sat in my drafts for a long time, and its moment finally came. It's a bit of a weird one, the way it juxtaposes two seemingly unrelated topics. But I can see myself doing this. Sitting by a fire, inviting you to come sit with me, and then just lamenting what it feels like to be me sometimes (a sensitive soul, for one thing) with no segue at all.

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Oof. I feel this keenly:

"When I feel

the overwhelm

it comes

like three songs

in different tempos"

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Yes, I can imagine you are well equipped to be familiar with that feeling of overstimulation. The idea of the poem came from me noticing that I can handle two audio inputs at once, to some extent (like talking over a song that's playing) but as soon as the third one starts (often a child), things get much much harder and I have to figure out how to calm myself very intentionally or shut off at least some of the inputs.

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I get that. Lots of deep breaths at my house, as I often have several people talking to me at the same time, while the hood vent is blasting from something smokey and the audiobook I was foolishly try to sneak in needs to be paused once again.

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These lines that Margaret Ann highlighted are so powerful. Really lovely poem, Mike.

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Thank you, LeeAnn! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

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Spontaneous consumption. Fireplace chat. Friends devour words as logs in fireplace. A joy to toast the holidays. Hope you have a wood pile . I am long winded after a drink of cheer.

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I'd sit with you and chat by the fire anytime, Richard. Thanks for your presence.

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Mike, The flames burn fast if pine logs are used. . Best a Yule tide hefty oak trunk or iron wood. Bottle of Scotch . This could take a while.

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Yes please. I have a pile of almond wood on the side of the house. Slow to start, but slow to burn out. Perhaps a nice Glenmorangie to balance the smoke, or a Lagavulin to complement it.

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I’m a fall pheasant and game . If you gat any dry tumbleweed smash up some. High BTU’s for starter. Ashes good for compost or to put on snow so your don’t slip.

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Sep 25Liked by Mike Speriosu

Love this Mike, so visceral!

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Thanks, jennae! A bit of a short and blunt one after that lengthy sestina. It had been sitting in my drafts and I felt now was its time.

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love the usage of lick & singe here!

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Thanks, Mo! Sometimes the differences between pleasurable and painful experiences are just how we label them. Sometimes a little heat can be calming.

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well put!

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Sep 24Liked by Mike Speriosu

Just WOW!!!

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Thank you for your beautiful response, wildflower! I am touched.

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Sep 24Liked by Mike Speriosu

Scorching heartbeats

Suspended ashes scattered upward.

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Love the poetics of this comment, Alma! Thank you!

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Sep 26Liked by Mike Speriosu


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Nice, Mike!!

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Thanks for calling out what you noticed in my poem, Don! You are a treasured reader, and you know damn well that I mean that!

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Hello Mike. I like this. You make me think.

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Thanks, C.J. This one's light on analysis. Just a brief, raw, even blurting account of what it feels like to be me sometimes. I'm glad it made you think.

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I’m all for that, Mike. Sometimes we are led to write about the raw parts of us for healing and understanding … you did well.

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🔥☄️🐦‍🔥 I like it. I like it a lot. I feel it.

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Thanks, Cynthia! It's nice to have you around.

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Funny thing, the day before or maybe the same day - anyway before I saw your post I was feeling similarly and wrote something - it feels very vulnerable so I’m sitting with it for a bit trying to decide if I should share it here or not…. But if I do I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Sep 24Liked by Mike Speriosu

Yes that’s how overwhelm feels for me too…and this too shall pass..

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Thank you, Grace, and you're quite right! Everything passes, doesn't it.

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