Mike dives into the commonplace and everyday to illustrate how it relates to the flow of energy that sustains this cosmic dance we call universe and universe calls life. So it is and so it will 🐝

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Thank you so much for your attention and insight, Paul. It is a tremendous, evergiving gift.

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Melissa the bee communicates in a dance that expresses existent flowers and with the dance a mite may arrive to harm the hive as well as human existence to survive. One billion bees go forage but when they don’t return the earth hive finds a big mistake and we all become nothing. The sweet honey is gone. Love the bee. The cosmos computations have calculated …

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Gorgeous, Richard! Thank you. This reminds me a bit of how some attempted to eradicate insects but then realized they'd now have to pollinate all their crops by hand.

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Jun 15Liked by Mike Speriosu

Wow! Another amazing poem, Mike!

Your poem beautifully intertwines the natural world with the language of technology and mathematics, illustrating the interconnectedness of life. The imagery is vivid and the metaphors are excellent.

It’s true - life's dynamic and ever-changing nature - where growth and transformation are the only constants.

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Saumya, your praise warms and soothes me. I feel heard, and there is no greater gift. Thank you.

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Jun 14Liked by Mike Speriosu

yum. too many lovely lines to choose from. no need to mince your poetry to bits. i love all of it!

however, the earth turning in pirouettes of algorithmic tides does make me smile.

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thank you. i appreciate the boundless and ever-changing phenomenon known as faye, and it is a tremendous gift to see you and be seen by you.

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Love the bee as a technology, I'll be looking at bees with more wonder today thanks to this beautiful poem.

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Wow, what a compliment! Thank you, Will!!

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I’m a retired biology teacher and also was the advisor of a poetry club (a la Dead Poet’s Society). I would have used this poem in my class!

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Wow, all of that makes perfect sense given the Kert that I am coming to know. Thank you so much.

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Jun 14Liked by Mike Speriosu

Another Wow Mike I join in the comments of Paul Wittenberger and Don Boivin…. Indeed even so called small or everyday things are no less an important and essential part of this existence and our consciousness in it .

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Thank you so much. It turns out that nothing is really commonplace. Everything is mystical and everything is astounding. It is only our minds, which hunger ceaselessly for novelty, that grow accustomed to everyday marvels. But we can take a moment to remember the awe.

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I thank you for giving voice to such ponderings in a way at once precise yet mystical. Through your craft, you open windows others might otherwise keep shut.

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Thank you for the beautiful words. I am uplifted and given courage to keep going.

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Quite the lovely picture you've cosmically created here, Mike. And as a beekeeper myself, I do adore any poem that includes our blessed honey bee. Well done!

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Bees, along with moss and mushrooms, are really an excellent subject of poetry. So beautiful in form and dance. So sweet in the fruits of their own cultivation. So gorgeous in their geometric constructions. So potentially painful if threatened. So crucial to our entire existence, evolved (mostly) independently of ourselves. We couldn't invent a better pollinator if we tried (and I know we have tried).

Thank you so much, M. M.!

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Love this rumination, Mike. Bees (and moss and mushrooms) are quite the creature: beautiful, painful, essential, fascinating, inspiring, rewarding, maddening, all the above and more!

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You are on a freaking roll, Mike!

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Thank you, Margaret!! I am better off because of the likes of you, and your poetry undoubtedly makes its mark in mine.

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It all adds up!

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Thanks for reading, Stanley!

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All the skills and sensitivities of a true poet coalesce in this amazing poem!

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Thank you so much, Don. Your friendship, feedback, writing, and presence make me a better poet.

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Love your sonnet. I am fascinated by the way things interconnect and work together with such mathematical precision and beauty. It's truly wondrous. 🐝🍄

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Isn't it?? Thank you, Phoebe!

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Wow, I never thought of bees quite that way!

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Thanks for reading, Carole!

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Jul 2Liked by Mike Speriosu

This is great, Mike. Thanks so much for giving me the link to get here. It's too easy to miss all the great stuff. It flies by so fast. I've been noticing so many posts about flowers and bees. It must be the time of year.

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Must be! Thank you so much for reading!!

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The story of Chinese with paint brushes to pollinate fruit flowers.

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