A day Lilly flower painted by your son captured the essence seen with colors supreme. Hope you frame this art work as your poem captured the hectic pace of family life. Summer is here. Stop and pick flowers, run in a field. Give son more crayons to color the world with peace of mind. He sees beauty.

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I learn so much from my children! Thank you, Richard.

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You will look back at this as the decades go by and marvel how you survived. But… we all do.

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It is already a marvel indeed. Nothing could have prepared me for this stage in my life. And at the same time it is more incredible and transcendent than I could ever have dreamed of. I am so lucky.

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A day in the life, Mike, expertly captured in all its frenetic glory

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Thank you. This was one of those I really wanted to leave as mostly a stream of consciousness. Sometimes the roughness IS the art. Looking a year back, there’s not a thing I would exchange, sans perhaps adding those links for the extra curious. It’s not my best work by any means, but it’s an accurate snapshot.

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Jun 26Liked by Mike Speriosu

The years of parenting little ones! Exhaustion is the status quo, yet all that energy and relationship building creates a foundation for years of wonder and joy, learning and growth .

This poem handily convey the chaos.

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Thank you for your vote of confidence, Kim. It is warmly appreciated, especially coming from a veteran caregiver, let alone poet, such as yourself!

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This is really great, Mike. Every time you say, “Hey, Mike,“ I feel that it’s an act of love. For you? From you? I don’t know. It’s just love. Your family is so lucky to have you.

Keep up the great work, my friend.

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It’s true. Everything is love, somehow. Even all the struggles. Perhaps especially them? Growing hurts, and we have grown so much in our 14 billion years here as the universe. And yet I think we are still very young. Let us care for ourselves the way we would a child who throws tantrums but plays with beautiful abandon.

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Funny, I was going to say “yeah, that’s about right” but Mary obviously beat me to it. So, yeah, it must be just about right. You have two confirmations! I’m sure more will be coming. But, “hey Mike, can you….”

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Thank you for reading, Kert!

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"Lower back complains; press myself against

The counter and hope for a pop"

Been there... Regularly 😅

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You and me, both! I’ve been reading Radical Acceptance by Tara Brock and it’s crazy how clear she makes it that ALL of our feelings are feelings in our body. There is no other way to feel. Everything else is just thoughts and stories about the feelings. Anyway, I like art that brings in the corporeal elements of existence. Thank you for reading!

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Hey Mike, can you keep sharing awesome poems as and when life permits and you're in the moooood? 🧿🧿 Thank you very much muchas gracias

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I honestly would love nothing more. I have plenty in the queue right now and more in the works. Writing is my SALVE. And readers like you make it even more incredible. Thank you so much.

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Perfect art pairing, the beautiful active colors to help describe your jammed packed day. So enjoyed the cadence of your reading!

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Thanks for really looking at my toddler son’s art!! It’s so fun to do so. I love how much you understand that children are our equals, sure they need a little extra guidance but they are people too. Thank you for being a poet parent and for seeing me.

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This one is much more exhausting than the previous version

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But it’s unchanged!

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I had to go take a nap after reading it!

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Come babysit anytime!

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Sponsored by Vasectomies R Us. Snip your coupon! This public service message is co-sponsored by the Tubal Ligation Society. Do you know where your tubes are today?

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A harder decision than you might think…thank you for reading!

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Jun 26Liked by Mike Speriosu

I had to return to work (though nursing) when our first was 6 weeks old - husband between semesters back in school watched him. Second child? He preferred to work two jobs and take call at the hospital to escape…

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Ugh, all of it is NO JOKE. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s wild what we go through, but we do it for love! Thank you so much for your appreciation of my work. It is so valued.

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Well, damn. You hit the nail on the head (and so beautifully to boot).

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It feels so wonderful to hear another poet parent, one I respect so much, say that. Thank you. I am breathing sighs of relief after a hard day and your words help soothe me.

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I know those days well! Rest up, Mike! 🙂

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Yup. Life. 🤪

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Thank you, Mary.

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