Love this! You have captured much here, including the fact that poems (like all creative writing) are incomplete and are just words on a page until someone reads them. Reading is indeed a creative process. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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I agree, Craig. Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words.

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Jun 21Liked by Mike Speriosu

Every morning should have a poem like this.

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Thank you, Patris! 🤍

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I hearted, as usual. If for no other reason than I now know what “fricative” is. Had to look it up 😬

Now, to use it in a sentence myself….

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Sometimes I'm tempted to write a poem that is jam packed with linguistics terminology rather than just including a smattering...tempted. :) Thank you so much for all your attention and support, Kert!

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But that wouldn’t be your true fricative self—scribing the friction of life through the narrow opening of days and moments, illustrating the resulting flow of turbulent times, waning waves, and the hard sounds of consonant relationship.

There, did it.

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I've already seen this bit restacked twice, but it's so dang good:

"Feel free to rest anywhere.

Wipe your tired feet

on a fluffy fricative.

Rest your head

on a sonorant vowel

set like a throw pillow

on an errant syllable."

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Thank you, Margaret! I hope you enjoyed your stay in the poem.

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Jun 21Liked by Mike Speriosu

Gorgeous. That last stanza moved me - birth your terrifying dreams!

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Thank you, Ash! Yes, do it!! I believe in you.

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Dive - Dance - Rest, that is what I shall do today. Fabulous reminder, loved your wrap up!

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Thank you, Marjorie! Always a pleasure.

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Oh man…Mike…this was so awesome 👏. Thank you for this experience. Can’t love this one enough!

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Thank you, VP! You know, I told my IRL friend about this one yesterday and he said, "What are people connecting with in the poem?" And I said, "Well, you know, this one is pretty much about direct connection itself."

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Thank you for writing this. I feel enlightened reading it.

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Thank you so much for saying so, mpoetry.

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Jun 28Liked by Mike Speriosu

Thank you, Mike. It’s like a personal email.

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Thanks for reading, Sea!

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Jun 22Liked by Mike Speriosu

This brought me so much peace 🌸 thank you

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Thank YOU for reading it, sonja. Peace can be hard to come by sometimes, and I hope you enjoyed your stay.

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Jun 21Liked by Mike Speriosu

'This poem

was written

just for you'

Yes, you, you, you, you you!!!

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Thank you for all your support, The Sea.

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The experience

you’ve just chosen—

this strange churning

of words

that sound first

and mean later—

will never happen


This is an amazing poem, and I love these lines. I know I’m living in such a special unique time, and the weight of it is terrifying to me. I want to be conscious and awake and clear, and I’m not at all.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Viola. I think the moment you realize you want to be more aware and present is already a moment of celebration. I hope you remember to be kind to yourself as you would be to a close friend.

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Brilliant reading, Mike—just for me!

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Thanks, Paul. Always a pleasure.

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Wonderful 🦋✨️

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Thanks, Revathi!

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Awake now with image of “Hey You “and fried egg flower Romneya choice. Poem delights the palate ; hungry , and crack an egg creating thoughts to sizzle in a pan. Encouraged with your sunny side up verbiage to start my day.

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Thanks as always for your beautiful words, Richard!

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Very, very satisfying

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I'm so glad, James! Thanks for reading.

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