Article voiceover

In the Moment
We are in the moment
of Genghis Khan's
last conquest
and in the moment
an asteroid struck the earth
to form the moon
and in the moment
my children
were conceived
and in the moment
I was conceived
and in the moment
I was a half-cell
in my mother's
unborn body
in her mother's womb
and in the moment
I was a glint
of a future
to be submitted
by my father,
my true nature
unbeknownst to him
and in the moment
of life evolving
for a mere
4 billion years
from single-celled
to sentient being
and in the moment
of every technological leap,
every stroke of sheer luck
leading to eons of prosperity
in billions of galaxies
and in the moment
of every storied civilization,
no matter how many times
avoiding starvation
and overpopulation,
converting fleshy bodies
to stainless computation,
weaving minds into
the very nature of creation,
ending nonetheless
in annihilation
and in the moment
of there being
but black holes
leaking out
Hawking radiation
extremely slowly
for an unimaginably
long moment
that dwarfs
the lifespan
of anything else
in the cosmos
and in the moment
of there being
a ceasing of
meaningful change,
and everything
existing as a tepid
homogeneous soup,
an entropic debt
payable only
by heat death.
I have always been here
in this only now
I've ever known,
and when our eyes meet
we both know.
We know everything
in the moment before
the first thought forms.
This poem originated in the comments section of ’s essay Miracle at Starbucks and was influenced by discussions with Don and .
Proud to have accidentally said something that helped inspire this poem, Mike. Yeah, I’m kind of a genius that way haha 🤣
Good work, Mike, you crazy, thoughtful guy!
The feeling of everywhere and everything all at once in a such a succinct poem. Amazing Mike!