Proud to have accidentally said something that helped inspire this poem, Mike. Yeah, I’m kind of a genius that way haha 🤣

Good work, Mike, you crazy, thoughtful guy!

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Yes! Your whole community provides bountiful food for thought and food for feeling. I love the conversations that get going on your comments section. Thanks for the inspiration and kind words!

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The feeling of everywhere and everything all at once in a such a succinct poem. Amazing Mike!

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I do like to go big sometimes. Thanks, Daniel!

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Love it, Mike. Everything is nested across time and space and macro and micro ... ... but

"when our eyes meet

we both know.

We know everything

in the moment before

the first thought forms."

That instantaneous recognition of oneness. You describe it breathtakingly -- thank you so much.

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Thank you so much, Hal! Yes, there's something almost magical about looking into the eyes of another sentient creature, human or otherwise. Like the universe is saying, without words, "Hi there! I'm you. I've missed you. But we were always all here, and always will be." Perhaps this idea I referenced of the heat death of the universe is our ultimate fate, but perhaps not. What are the odds that our Big Bang is truly the ONLY one?? Ah, unanswerable questions. :)

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Aug 23Liked by Mike Speriosu

Quantum physics, poetically.

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Aug 26Liked by Mike Speriosu

Yes at its essence quantum physics!

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I do think quantum physics is starting to butt up against truths that are much bigger than us, and perhaps point towards a model where consciousness, matter, and energy arise mutually, rather than the universe being a dumb, dull, mindless place in which we are a mere fluke.

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Aug 23Liked by Mike Speriosu

Yes! We are! Transition always feels like the end... which it is. And we are unpracticed in tolerating pain... as we have been taught to avoid it( for good reasons). But birth is painful and rebirth is painful, and creation can be uncomfortable, and of ,how you captured the beauty and wonder of creation here!

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Thanks so much for your kind words! Sometimes pain is just one of the ways our existence makes itself known. If we were in utter comfort 100% of the time, would we even really feel our bodies at all? Such comfort is a nice place to escape and relax into when we need it, but I think it's impossible to have the joy without the pain.

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Love everything about this piece, your words bring the cosmos to us. More than powerful

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Thank you so much, Marjorie!

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I wasn't expecting such a beautiful ending!

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Thanks, Rod! Yes, it had a different ending before, and I decided I liked this one better. Since I myself always enjoy a little peek behind the curtain, these two stanzas were the original ending, replaced by the single ending stanza you see in the posted version:


The interval

is indistinguishable

from the experience,

which is indistinguishable

and the experiencer.


No matter when you read this,

or whether you read this,

this moment is what is you

and this moment is what is me.

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Thanks for sharing, Mike! It’s interesting to see how that evolved for you!

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Everything, every thought is the consequence of the moment, and the moment It's a consequence of time being a continuous line, in which everything is a consequence of everything. For example, if somewhere in the past you hadn't read Don , you wouldn't have written this poem, nor I these words.

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Yes! It's all one system, inseparable. Every grain of sand is in its place. Thank you, Rolando.

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Aug 26Liked by Mike Speriosu

There are no coincidences

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Wonderful! I too have had poems start as comments. It’s funny how that works.!

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Yes! So much about being a writer is about listening and being present so that you catch the noteworthy moments in life as they arise! Thanks for being a reader, Aaron.

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Aug 23Liked by Mike Speriosu

Caught in a moment for ever, aren't we?

That was a long breathtaking poem, Mike. Thank you!

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Yes! It's mind boggling how "now", "future", and "past" are all just concepts, without true boundaries in our existence, except where we choose to define them. I didn't invent the term "eternal now," but I sure resonate with it!

I'm so glad the poem moved you, Fotini. That means a LOT. Thank you for reading.

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I enjoyed this, Mike.

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I'm so glad you did. Thanks, Roman!

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Thought provoking. Thanks, Mike.

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Thanks for being such a supportive reader, Monica!

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Aug 23Liked by Mike Speriosu

This touches some of my deepest existential feelings. Brilliant ⭐️

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That's awesome, Grace. And I mean that literally: it fills me with awe that such communication is possible, and it wouldn't be without keen readers like you. Thank you!

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Aug 27Liked by Mike Speriosu

Thank you that’s so kind. I’m in awe of writers like you.

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So…yep. It remains my favorite of all your poems to date (the ones you’ve shared so far anyway). And with a cool shout out to boot!

I really am grateful for the brotherhood we are creating.

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Thank you, Kert! I'm so glad you really enjoy this one. Your encouragement and appreciation for the earlier draft(s) was a big reason I decided to polish it further. Yeah...Substack is an amazing place. Thanks for being here. It's funny, I think you and I first e-met in Don's comment section! I thought to myself, "I need to talk more to this Kert guy!" So glad I did.

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You’re right! It would be absolutely fascinating to see the growing threads of connection that are being formed here with some kind of web-diagram. And these are deep and meaningful connections too. You have introduced me to other ‘Stackers—I see we have a common set of subscriptions where I notice random comments that include you, Don, Maia. Et al.

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Oh my God Mike! 🫠✨This is reaching into the deepest most farthest reaches beyond myself and I feel eternity and yet the very realness of our embodied selves covered in skin and the grave.

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Cynthia, I really hear the enthusiasm and emotion behind your words. Your appreciation does not go unnoticed. I am so grateful for your readership!

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emotion… well we are poets! HAHAHAHA….. thanks Mike.

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Sep 17Liked by Mike Speriosu

I don’t even KNOW you. Why did the last stanza of your poem make me cry? why?

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Thank you so much for this beautiful comment, Alma. It seems you DO know me, on a level that goes beyond everyday acquaintance. I love when art makes me cry, and I’m moved that this piece touched you. And welcome aboard. It’s always so exciting to have readers!

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